Operation Terra was created by 144,000 elohim 4.5+ billion years ago as their response to the Creator’s expressed desire to restore the Creation to the way it had been before there had been a negative polarity. From its inception, Planet Earth has always been intended to act as the starting point for a bridge between its current form and how it will manifest when it ascends to become Terra. The emergence of Terra has always been intended to be the turning point in the process that will restore the Creation and eventually eliminate the negative polarity from that Creation.

an image of the Earth's surface, against a star-filled sky
Planet Earth has provided a rich environment for experiences of many kinds.

Planet Earth has provided a rich environment for experiences of many kinds. There have been times during which those same elohim have had to project themselves onto the Earth to counter the actions of civilizations that had a different agenda in mind — one that would allow them to redirect the course of the planet to benefit themselves, which would ultimately destroy the planet and its lifeforms, as they have done repeatedly during the current reality.

During one such time (millions of years ago), some of us were incarnated as the last group of Guardians of the Galaxy. Over the course of three generations, we were defeated in our attempts to protect ourselves, our planet, and the galaxy, and our attackers were then free to spread their ways to Planet Earth. Our present world reflects much of their influence, which is harming a great deal of the planet and her lifeforms, many of which are becoming extinct. Much of the planet’s beauty and richness is being destroyed, as well.

As projections of those same elohim, we are now walking around on the planet during the time period that will result in the emergence of Terra. Terra will manifest the planet’s theme of “beauty” at its highest level. Her transplanted lifeforms will provide the means for fully achieving her principal activity of “seeking harmony in diversity.” The interaction and cooperation between the different galactic cultures that will create colonies on Terra and/or visit her from other locations will have a profound and far-reaching effect on galactic cultures, the galactic mind, and ultimately on the nature of the entire manifest reality.

This is why there are so many galactic volunteers involved with Operation Terra. The effects will echo throughout the entire galaxy and directly affect both their home environments and the course of galactic evolution far into the future. They understand the significance of Operation Terra and what it ultimately means for the entire manifest reality.

an image representing the millions of beings that are supporting Operation Terra, all over the world
Operation Terra is a massive undertaking that involves millions of embodied beings.

Currently, Operation Terra is a massive undertaking that involves millions of embodied beings, approximately 6 million of whom are walking around on Earth as third-density humans, and approximately 40 million more who are volunteers from the higher-density, positive-polarity civilizations in our galaxy.

All of these individuals are involved in some way with assisting the present third-density, mixed-polarity planet known as Earth to fully manifest as her fourth-density, positive-polarity self, which we refer to as Terra. (The word “Terra” is Latin for “Earth.”)

Terra is “the next step” for the planet and the next step for third-density humans who are destined to “graduate” to fourth-density positive polarity, either now or in a future incarnation. Third-density humans who are destined to “graduate” to the fourth-density NEGATIVE polarity will migrate to Terra’s polar opposite, a fourth-density, negative-polarity planet. Terra will be a totally positive-polarity planet and in future generations, only fourth-density positive-polarity individuals will incarnate there.

Most of the third-density humans who presently live on Earth are of mixed polarity and will not “graduate” to either polarity at this time. Instead, they will experience additional third-density lives on other third-density “future” versions of our present planet until they, too, are ready to graduate to the fourth density as either one of these two polarities — positive or negative.

an image depicting the Operation Terra task force, surrounding Planet Earth
The Operation Terra task force

Operation Terra is a special task force whose purpose is to create the energetic pathway and provide the physical bridge between this planet and the soon-to-be-born NEW planet of Terra. The scope of the operation is twofold: 1) whatever is needed to assist all of the aspects involved in the planet’s personal ascension, and 2) to gather up and prepare the various lifeforms that will be taken to Terra to complete the planet’s emergence as a fourth-density, positive-polarity multicultural center for the entire galaxy. This purpose is being implemented in many ways:

1. By incarnating as ordinary third-density humans (the “ground troops”), Operation Terra participants have been acting as human “lightning rods” to ground the higher Light into the planet, thereby contributing to the infusion of energy that is purging the planet of the lower-frequency energies she has absorbed over her entire history as a third-density planet. Most of these lower-frequency energies were either emitted by the human portion of planetary life or by other lifeforms that suffered from the consequences of human actions on them and on their habitat.

2. By volunteering to take on a certain portion of the pain of the human experience and then transforming it from within themselves, the ground troops also decrease the amount of lower-frequency energies that must be cleared from the planet, thereby helping to ameliorate the Earth changes that occur as one of the mechanisms for clearing what the planet has absorbed.

The preliminary Earth changes would be much more severe if it weren’t for this assistance at the human level. This minimizes the amount of suffering for the present lifeforms on the planet until it is time for the final cataclysms that will culminate in a shift of the planet’s axis of rotation — a geophysical Pole Shift involving crustal displacement — that will render the present third-density version of this planet uninhabitable for a very long time.

3. Many higher-density participants in Operation Terra are actively assisting the ground troops with the clearing of their cellular memory, thereby facilitating #2. This will neutralize all of the emotional charge that remains from all of the lives that were created by their Oversouls, so that only “essence” remains. Nothing of the old can be taken into the new.

4. Higher-density participants in Operation Terra are actively untangling the enmeshments that have taken place over the millions of years of interaction between different groups of individuals, so that each can go to its own “right place.” Our DNA and light filaments are being restored to their original state and a great deal of healing work is taking place, especially while we are asleep.

This process will prepare the ground troops for their individual roles in the physical evacuation of all of the lifeforms that will go on to colonize Terra and will eventually restore their former condition of full connection with Source. The colonists from the present planet will prepare for the colonization itself by spending 20-25 years on Midway Station (a large mothership approximately 80% the size of present-day Earth), or by returning to their home civilizations for a time and colonizing Terra from there.

5. Since most of the people on Earth will not be going to Terra at this time, Operation Terra is also seeding the “Terra” information into the consciousness of those who will make their way to Terra from the future third-density versions of our present planet. This seeding will ensure that the “homing” codes that lead one to go to Terra will survive the coming shift into a new Creation and will continue the migration to Terra over the millennia to come.

2 images, representing Earth's theme of beauty and its principal activity of seeking harmony in diversity
Earth’s planetary theme is “beauty”; its principal activity is “seeking harmony in diversity.”

Earth’s planetary theme is “beauty”; its principal activity is “seeking harmony in diversity.” Terra will raise the present beauty of Earth to an exalted level. Terra will transform the “seeking of harmony in diversity” into the full realization (fulfillment) of that goal. The diversity reflected on Terra will be representative of the diversity of all of the positive-polarity cultures and lifeforms that exist throughout our entire galaxy.

This is all going to be something that has never existed before — totally new, birthed in a new Creation. Up until now, this level of cooperation and harmony across so many civilizations and cultures has only existed in various forms of galactic governance. It has never been housed in a single location. Just as we have capital cities for states and nations, Terra will be the “capital” planet for the entire galaxy. Assisting Earth to become Terra is the equivalent of sharing in the creation of a capital city, but on a much larger scale.

Because Terra will anchor the first step of the return that will eventually lead to the elimination of the negative-polarity worlds and beings, there are many of that polarity who would like to prevent Operation Terra from succeeding. However, this is already known and has been anticipated and provided for in the overall plan for the “op.”

Between now and the actual completion of the evacuation, everything necessary to ensure the success of the evacuation itself will be provided by various participants in Operation Terra. Once the evacuation is complete, the colonization phase can proceed and when colonization is complete, Terra will be the result of a plan that had its beginnings 4.5+ billion years ago.

For those humans who will go on to experience more third-density lives before moving on to fourth density, Terra will also provide a future incarnational opportunity. Terra will evolve, the galaxy will evolve, and the manifest reality will also evolve.

image depicting Love as the ordering force that opposes entropy
Love is the ordering force that will support evolution into even more complex forms.

Love is the ordering force that counters entropy. Entropy leads to the breakdown of complex forms to simpler ones. Since Terra will operate on a foundation of peace, love and joy, that foundation will support evolution into even more complex forms than those that exist on Terra at its beginning.

Terra is a gift to the entire manifest reality and we are privileged to be part of bringing her forth. The journey to Terra has required much of us, but the final result will be worth every bit of what has gone into creating it.

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