In late July of 1999, I was traveling to an airport. I was not doing the driving, so I was free to muse about anything I wished. It is at such times that I am particularly receptive to psychic or intuitive impressions, and I became aware of a perceptual metaphor that was arriving in my mind:
I “saw” a space that was completely filled with large boulders that were lashed together in all directions by a system of heavy thongs. As I watched, I saw the boulders beginning to move. At first, they only rubbed against one another a little. Then the distance between them increased and they began to move more freely, crashing and bumping into one another and straining and stretching the thongs.
I realized that I was seeing into the “future” of this structure and, as the scene moved forward in time, the boulders moved further and further apart and their movements became more erratic until the thongs broke and they could move freely among one another. At the time, I felt that the boulders represented large units of planetary energy and that I was watching the breaking up of old forms and patterns. After reflecting on this experience, I realized that it was very similar to a process that is called “phase shift.”
You may be familiar with the three physical states of water: ice (solid), water (fluid), and “steam”/water vapor (gas). When ice melts into water or water turns to steam, it is the result of the absorption of more energy in the form of heat. When a solid melts into a liquid or a liquid becomes a vapor or gas, it is still chemically the same substance, but the molecules behave differently and have a different orientation with respect to one another. It has shifted to another “phase” or state of the substance.
The key element in this process is the absorption of more energy. The increase in energy causes the molecules to vibrate more rapidly and to move apart from one another.
In solids, when enough energy has been absorbed, the bonds that keep the molecules locked into a crystalline lattice break apart and the molecules can slide freely past one another. The substance is then in the liquid state or phase. If even more energy is absorbed by the substance, the molecules move faster and faster until they escape into totally free motion. The substance is then in a gas/vapor state or phase.
This is exactly what is happening to us and to the world around us right now. We have entered a time in which increasing energy is being absorbed by the molecules that make up our physical reality. They are moving faster and faster, which means that their rate of vibration (frequency) is also increasing. The basic vibratory rate of the planet is increasing. All of the physical forms that we are familiar with are undergoing a phase shift.
In fact, if one is sufficiently sensitive to the energies, it does feel like our reality is in the process of “melting down” into a more freely flowing reality. In stark contrast to the sorts of “fixed” or “solid” perceptions and ideas we have been accustomed to on 3D Earth, the Messages from the Hosts of Heaven refer to a type of stream-of-consciousness experience as being the norm on Terra. It is the word “stream” in the term “stream-of-consciousness” that is the clue to the fluidity of 4D reality.
The planetary frequency is shifting upward, and the frequency of every material object is also shifting upward. If things feel like they are going faster, it’s because they really are! We are going through a profound phase shift that will take us to the next level in the reality spectrum. Our “solid” world is melting and becoming a more fluid one.
To help you understand this concept a little better, let’s take a look at visible light. We define “visible” light as energy that is vibrating within the frequency range that can be detected by the receptor cells in the retinas of our eyes.
The frequency of vibration of a form of energy is in an inverse relationship to its wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Very long waves have a very low (or “slow”) frequency. Our physical eyes can “see” or detect energy in a frequency range that corresponds to a wavelength of 400 to 750 nanometers. A nanometer is a very small unit (1 billionth of a meter) that is used to measure the extremely short wavelengths found in various forms of radiant energy.
Visible light ranges from the color “violet” to the color “red.” Ultraviolet (which means “beyond” violet, i.e., a higher frequency than violet) and infrared (which means “below” red, i.e., a lower frequency than red) light are not normally visible to our eyes without special equipment that extends the range of our vision. On Terra, the planet and everything on it will be vibrating at a frequency above that of our (3D) physically visible light. Terra already exists, but we cannot see her with our physical eyes because she is vibrating beyond the range of light that our 3D physical eyes can see.
When our own frequency gets sufficiently high, WE will not be visible to those whose eyes are not operating in our frequency range. To them, we will seem to have disappeared, but to us THEY will not normally be visible and our experienced reality will still seem physical to US, even though it is invisible to others who are operating in a lower frequency band.
Everything has a characteristic vibration and frequency. Colors, emotions, substances, names, and thoughtforms all have an energetic “signature.” Everything is made up of energy, and all energy is vibrating. We call the emotions of fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, and greed the “lower” emotions because they actually DO have a lower vibrational frequency. The so-called “higher emotions” of joy, peace, love, bliss, and compassion actually DO have a higher vibrational frequency.
As the planet and everything on her moves up in frequency and transits the phase shift into fourth density, all lower-frequency waveforms are being thrown off or canceled (when waves are totally out of phase, i.e., exactly opposite to one another, they cancel each other out). It is a purification process, and the only thing that will be left on the other side of this phase shift will be those waveforms that are vibrating at a frequency that is compatible with that of Terra. There will only be the “higher” emotions of joy, peace, love, bliss, and compassion. The “lower” emotions simply won’t occur.
What this means in our daily lives and experiences is that everything we carry within ourselves that is not of the “higher” frequencies is being flushed out. This is most noticeable in our close relationships, but it is already showing up in the larger society as road rage, increasing violence, and international crises.
These are just the symptoms of a deep cleansing and purification taking place. The higher emotions are being enhanced, so we also see a greater emergence of the qualities of love, and a growing desire for peace, compassion and forgiveness. (There are many examples of this, such as the growth in the use of hospice services to provide comfort for those who are dying and for those who love them.)
There are many of us who have been doing a lot of self-work in preparation for this time. We have acquired many tools and skills to cope with the accelerating pace of change. No one will be unaffected, but there are many hands and hearts to help us deal with the necessity of our own process of purification. Everything is moving toward healing and wholeness, even though it seems like everything is coming apart. Both movements are happening at the same time.
Let’s return to our example of ice melting into water. We can view the breaking of the crystalline bonds as a liberation of sorts. In the solid state, the water molecules have a very limited range of motion or activity. In the liquid state, there is much more freedom of movement, and the molecules can glide past one another smoothly, with much less friction and disturbance. The same is true for this transition as we shift from third density to fourth density.
We are breaking loose from the confines of our limited ideas of who and what we are and moving out of time-bound thinking into a more fluid reality. We have to experience the purging of our anger, fear, rage, and other “lower” emotions and this is affecting the entire population of the planet. As the amount of energy being absorbed by the planetary systems increases, there will be more apparent agitation and movement, some of which will not be harmonious. It will feel like things are melting down, but it may also take on the form of explosive reactions, just as bubbles of steam rise from the bottom of the pot to burst through the boiling surface of the liquid in the pot. People may have a “short fuse” and trigger easily as the breaking apart of the structures and systems proceeds.
When a chick emerges from the egg, there is some destruction of the shell that had contained the chick while it was growing and developing. The same is true for us now. Those structures and patterns that have held us within a certain limited range of actions and movement are cracking and shattering, so that we can emerge and operate with a much greater degree of freedom and creativity.
As our own inner “earthquakes” release the bound-up energies of our “stuck” emotions and challenge our customary habits, it certainly won’t be comfortable at times, but if we can understand our experience as one of moving into greater personal and creative freedom, perhaps it will help us to align with supporting the purification process instead of resisting it.
Resistance will be overcome whenever and wherever it occurs, simply because the momentum of this change is too great to be stopped. Anything and anyone that cannot ride this wave of change — this shift from third density to fourth density — will not survive the shift itself. It is important to remember that nothing ever really perishes. It just changes form and goes on.
In closing, I would like to say to you that there are great challenges occurring, but also great opportunities. All of our “stuff” is being shaken loose so that we can become truly free, and our best service to ourselves and to the process is to simply get out of the way. Surrender to a higher power and let that (the higher power) carry you through this process. That will enable you to “go with the flow” of these changes in the smoothest possible way.
This is the time for which we have been waiting, and we have created ourselves to have all of the inner strength and resources that we need in order to finish this round of existence in keeping with the choices of our soul/Oversoul/Higher Self. Each time we find ourselves in resistance to the rapidly increasing changes confronting us, if we can just remember to surrender up our desire for personal control over our lives, we will have a much more comfortable and peaceful transition.
Resistance is the source of all pain. It is always based in fear, so fear is always at the root of our pain. If we can move into surrender, there will still be sensation, but it will no longer be pain. By choosing surrender over and over again, we can train ourselves to move into surrender as easily and automatically as we used to go into “reaction” and resistance mode.
Not everyone will go to Terra, and there may be a temptation for you to try to “save,” redirect or “convince” others. Remember that all of these choices are being made by the soul/Oversoul/Higher Self of each individual, regardless of whether you can see it that way or not. If someone asks you for help, by all means give it to the extent that it can be received, but there is much that you will see taking place that is not supposed to be “helped” or “fixed”; it is part of your own surrender to allow that process to take its course without resisting it in any way.
We ourselves must expand enough to be able to hold the entire process in the chalice of our hearts. We must also willingly and gratefully open and empty ourselves out, so that we can serve as humble servants of the Creator, in support of the events that must unfold. In this way, we help the planet and everything upon her to move upward.
Terra will be the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. Although there may be some discomfort during the “birthing” of the new world, let us also remember the joy that comes when the birth is complete and the struggle and pain are finally over. It is written and so it shall be.