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This copyright notice applies to all of the material on this site, including the images.

This material is being supplied free of charge in the interest of making it available to all whom it is intended to reach. If you share the information in its entirety, from one of the downloadable files provided on the site, no further notice is needed, since the cover page will address this issue.

If you only share a portion of the material, please put the following copyright notice on it and include the website address, so that interested parties can know where they can see the rest of the material:

© Copyright Celestial Way 1999-2030

Except for brief quotations in a printed review, a copy of which is furnished to the publisher, no portion of this material may be reproduced in any medium or form that is for sale or used for a commercial purpose without prior written permission from the publisher (Celestial Way).

No alteration of the original spellings, content, or wording is permitted under any circumstances by anyone other than the copyright holder (Sara Zibrat), except with her direct participation and consent.

No translations of this material may be distributed without her direct participation and consent. The restrictions in this copyright notice shall extend to all translations of this material, even if they are made with her participation and consent.

The images used on this site are either originals or were all purchased under a single user license, so no redistribution of any of the images is allowed, as that would violate the copyrights of the agencies from which the images were purchased.

— Sara Zibrat, aka Sara/Adonna/Oriole

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