Operation Terra: A Journey Through Space and Time
by Sara Zibrat & The Hosts of Heaven
ISBN 978-0-9711297-7-1
446 pages, 7 x 10 inches (178 x 254 mm)
Retail Price $29.99 USD, 32.99 EU, 29.99 GBP, $49.99 AUD, $40.99 CAD
This paperback edition has a full-color soft cover and the interior is printed with black (laser) toner on white paper. Many of the images from the Keepsake versions just don’t work well in a black and white print setting, so there are fewer images (172 in total), but it’s still a lovely book. It’s much less expensive to print, so it’s much less expensive to buy than either of the Keepsake editions. It is more durable than the ebook and can be read anywhere that there is sufficient light.
This is a book to be read and re-read, slowly and thoughtfully. It has a simple, more stylized and elegant design and is a smaller page size overall, so it has more pages than the larger Keepsake editions, but it still contains all of the text and many of the images (or their equivalent) that are in the Keepsake editions. Here are some samples of the interior to give you an idea of what’s inside:
This book also contains an annotated Table of Contents, which helps if you want to know what’s in each chapter or find your way back to a particular thing you read about and want to read again.
A lot of thought and work went into producing these books and it’s my hope that they will serve well to “make use of the work that has been done for future generations,” in addition to being a book that you can enjoy right now. I hope that you will find at least one of these that is to your liking and that you find pleasure in purchasing and reading it.