These four pages were selected as being the only ones that met the Hosts’ standards for inclusion in this section.
These four pages were selected as being the only ones that met the Hosts’ standards for inclusion in this section.

The last Message in Volume Three was received on December 7, 2006. After that, there were many pages of news, updates, and private communications that I shared through the News/Updates section of the previous OT site. Most of that material was very topical and time-based, particularly in 2011 and 2012, when there was a lot of talk about the expected end of the Mayan calendar in December of 2012.

On September 23, 2011, a grid of 12 stargates was activated during a ceremony that was performed in a remote location in South America. This activation connected the entrance and exit points for all 12 of the timelines that will emerge from this one shared reality. There has not been much new information since then.

On July 30, 2018, the Hosts told me that “all [future] communications will be carried out directly with those who have a need to know, and will not be for general publication. … the web site will serve to awaken and inform regarding the overall basics of the “op,” but the details of what will follow will not be provided there, so there is no need to try to extract details from former communications. Stay with the fundamentals and the basic practices and you’ll be on safe ground.” When I asked them for guidance as to what I should include in this Archives section, they told me that “only material of a more lasting nature should be included, and not a lot of that.”

Only the four pages included here met that standard. Ironically, I think they are among the most important pages on this site, but it isn’t until one has read the rest of the material that they can understand what is being presented here. That’s why I haven’t included them in the list of “recommended reading” for people who are new to this perspective. You could say that I “saved the best for last.”

The Operation Terra perspective is radically different than almost any other source of information and these four pages summarize it nicely. I encourage you to spend some time with them and see what they stimulate in you.

In service,
August 7, 2018

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