
It is an established spiritual principal to give back in some way for whatever one has received.
It is an established spiritual principal to give back in some way for whatever one has received.

It is an established spiritual principal to give back in some way for whatever one has received. I have been offering the Operation Terra information at no charge since 1999. There is no charge for the newsletter mailing list or for the downloadable copies of the Messages.

I provide all of these things at my own expense, including the hosting of the website and email accounts, purchasing the licensed images, and purchasing all of the software needed to create all of this in ways that make it useful and accessible to you across all types of devices.

If you have benefited in any way from my work and would like to “give back” in the form of a financial donation, I would very much appreciate your support! You can give any amount by using the Paypal button below.

All transactions will be automatically converted to US dollars if your own currency is a different one. The charge will show as going to Celestial Way, which is the business name I use to publish the OT material and services. It can be a one-time donation or there is a box you can check if you want it to re-occur on a monthly basis, which can be canceled at any time.

Thank you for your contribution to Operation Terra!


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