The Operation Terra Anthem

(1 min. 25 seconds playing time)

NOTE: When you watch or listen to the Anthem, the opening phrase is a fanfare, so don’t be surprised if it sounds really loud when it begins to play. Adjust the volume according to what sounds best to you. To watch it in full screen mode, click on the icon in the lower right corner of the player. The player works best in the Chrome browser at small sizes.

You can watch or listen to the Anthem at any time without coming back to this site if you download it and save it to your computer (PC users right click on the link and choose “Save as…” or “Save Link as… .” Mac users do whatever it is that you do to save a file to your computer. I don’t know how to do this on a Mac. I also don’t know how to save it to a cellphone.)


1080p HD mp4 file (22 MB)

720p HD mp4 file (13 MB)

Audio only:

256 Kbps, 44100 Hz mp3 file (2.5 MB)

It has been more than 43 years since Sananda/the Christ appeared in my bedroom and called me to this path and service. Over the years, as I learned to listen within, I began to hear music being played in my head on a regular basis. It was always a full string orchestra, which I came to refer to as “my angel choir,” and it created a very intimate connection between this 3D personality and my unseen helpers and team.

In 2001, I began hearing a new song, one that I have never heard anywhere else. It sounded like a marching band, complete with brass, drums, and Glockenspiel. The new song kept playing in my head for a while, but at the time I wasn’t able to create it in a form that others could also hear. Back when I was doing the Operation Terra Radio Shows, I hummed the theme so others could hear it, but that was all I could do.

That all changed in 2015 when someone I was in touch with suggested that Operation Terra should have a musical theme. I replied that I had already been given one, and decided to try to create it in a form that others could also hear. The Hosts made it clear that this was something that they wanted me to do and they kept playing it in my head almost daily until I finished working on it.

Music has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but being asked to translate what I was hearing in my head into something that successfully and faithfully re-created it was a real challenge for me. The Hosts were at my side throughout the entire process and when I got stuck or went off course, they would give me additional direction, either with words or by playing the melody again in my head with certain emphases so I could hear what they wanted me to create.

It came together in steps. First, I bought some music creation software and used some freeware to create the first melody line. Then I realized I had to purchase a collection of musical sound files that I could use to re-create the sounds I was hearing in my head, so I did that, also. However, I still wasn’t able to play and compose the music in real time, so I asked one of the OT supporters for money to buy a digital keyboard that would allow me to complete the assignment. He received guidance to do so, and now you can hear the result in the audio file.

When I was guided to create a new version of the OT web site, it felt right to also update the Anthem to a video version that visually helped to tell the story that the music told. I found new images to use for this project and evaluated 8 different software packages before settling on the one I bought and used. I wanted the visual effects to tell the story, too.

The Hosts have said that they will tell me what the Anthem will ultimately be used for, but until they do, I felt I wanted to share the Anthem with you because I feel it is a “message” of another kind, coded like the other Messages are, and that you will respond to it according to what you carry within you. They insisted that I place it immediately after the Home page on the navigation bar, so from that I concluded that they consider it quite important, even more so than any of the other material on the site, perhaps because of what it evokes within us and how it will be used later on.

It does seem to be a true transmission of some kind, so once the codes and the initial impact have been received, it may seem like “just music” after that, but even so I think that it will still serve to inspire you.

The music begins with an announcement: “Wake up! Pay attention!” Then the Hosts enter our presence in their ships and we gratefully respond to their presence. Then the melody and images depict our movement upward from 3D into the higher realms and culminates in our emergence as the celestial beings that we are.

You can experience that journey whenever you want to through listening to the music. It is also a reminder about what lies ahead for everyone who is making the journey to Terra, either now or later. May it be so for you!


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